Saturday, November 19, 2005

Thought of the Day

Today's thought comes from Charles Spurgeon's morning devotion for November 19. I read it this morning (actually, technically, it was yesterday morning) and have been meditating on what he was trying to convey about "avoid[ing] foolish questions" from Titus 3:9. Here is an excerpt from his devotion.

"Our days are few, and far better spent in doing good, than in disputing over matters which are, at best, of minor importance. The old schoolmen did a world of mischief by their incessant discussion of subjects of no practical importance; and our Churches suffer much from petty wars over abstruse (not easily understood) points and unimportant questions. ... Questions upon points wherein Scripture is silent; upon mysteries which belong to God alone; upon prophecies of doubtful interpretation; and upon mere modes of observing human ceremonials, are all foolish, and wise men avoid them. ... and if we observe the apostle's precept (Titus 3:8) to be careful to maintain good works, we shall find ourselves far too much occupied with profitable business to take much interest in unworthy, contentious, and needless strivings. ..."

He did say that there were questions we should ask, though, and I quote him directly:
  • Do I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ?
  • Am I renewed in the spirit of my mind?
  • Am I walking not after the flesh, but after the Spirit?
  • Am I growing in grace?
  • Does my conversation adorn the doctrine of God my Savior?
  • Am I looking for the coming of the Lord, and watching as a servant should do who expects his master?
  • What more can I do for Jesus?
This devotion was a good gentle rebuke for me today.

Psalm 91:1, 4a

“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty … He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust.”Psalm 91:1, 4a

God bless the child whose upward leaning hastens to view Jesus Christ as the person under whose shadow she abides protected. Not only that, but if the child of God seeks after the covering of Christ’s wings, she will be truly blessed. God asks that we trust in Him. How many worried nights would depart from us if we truly trusted in our God?

Imagine this scene. “Trust me,” He says. “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” And listen to how He calls us. “I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfortably unto her.” It’s when we truly hear our Lord and fold our wings under His care, that He brings us under His shadow for divine protection. He blesses us with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus. He covers us with His feathers. But listen - “And under his wings shalt thou trust.”

Jesus is not asking us to “go it alone.” No friend. He’s asking us to trust Him under His loving protection. And in that trusting, He feeds us, clothes us, and fulfills His desires for us.

Sibiu, Romania (December 2005)


Let me introduce to you the initial ideas I have for this online journal of mine. A little over two years ago, I had it in my mind to create a Web site entitled, "Under the Shadow of His Wings," to encourage women who are of my faith or similarly minded in the Lord. The main way I was going to do that was to post my devotions online that I have written over time during my daily Bible readings to help them fall in love with their Savior.

I have two inspirations, well three, if you count my Lord Jesus Christ, for this endeavor. The first inspiration is Charles Spurgeon's Morning & Evening daily devotional. His insights into the Scriptures and his love for God's word have inspired me to have the same regard toward the Bible. The other inspiration comes from the author Francine Rivers. In the "About the Author" sections of her books, she has noted over and over again, that she worships Jesus through her writings, and that worship, in my opinion, spills over into her stories. I have since wanted the same in my own writings.

And so, over the course of about three to four years now, I have written devotions to verses that God has used to speak to my heart about one issue or another. I haven't written one every day, but I have written quite a few. Because of this, and the "blogging" technology, I think now is the time to begin such a task.

I also want to include links to Web sites that will encourage study and growth in the Lord, as well as a space to discuss important issues that may come up. I am in no way unique in this task, but perhaps the Lord can use my ability to write to glorify Him - namely by helping others walk near Him ... to reside ever and always under the shadow of His wings.

For His glory,

Onesti, Romania (May 2005)

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