“A word fitly spoken is like apples
of gold in pictures of silver.” –Proverbs 25:11
Somewhere in the pages of journals past, I know I have written about this verse before. It seems every time I read it in my Bible readings, God highlights it in my soul. It always shines through the pages of Scripture.
This time, it reminds me that my heart's desire since giving my life to the Lord has been to posses His wisdom, sometimes even to my own vanity. However, it is mostly so I can know Him and understand His ways better, applying what He shows me to my life.
I think this is why I love Scripture
because it is a well of God's precious wisdom and a solid foundation
of truth. I have experienced His precious wisdom over and over by
reading His Holy Word. I know there are many out there that stumble
upon parts of Scripture—and you should know, so do I. The book of
Judges, for example, has to be one of the hardest books of the Bible
for me to read. The depravity of man and just how far we entertain
our sinfulness is a fact that I have a hard time dealing with. But
when I take a step back and gaze at the awful stories in that book
and search for God's understanding or what He wants me to understand
about such passages, I am pointed to the cross and the purpose of the
Bible—that it points us to a merciful and loving Savior, Who took
upon Himself the form of a man and sacrificed His life on our behalf
to reconcile us to God.
And yet, some of His judgments can be
hard to read too. Again, gazing at these parts of the Bible through
the lens of God's whole counsel, we understand that if we turn to Him, He doesn't reward
us according to our works and that His long-suffering leads us to a
godly sorrow that brings about our repentance. He knows we are but
flesh, and His mercies are new every morning.
The Bible taken as a whole is a
magnificent treasure especially for those of us who are born-again
because we have the guidance of the Holy Spirit in us and with us
teaching us the mind of God as we read Scripture.
O friend, have you experienced this? So
many “lonely” moments of my single years, for example, were spent
in this Scriptural communion with God, sometimes with a pen in hand
and blank pages in front of me on which I discussed with praise the
treasure of truth God had settled upon my
And do you want to know something I
realize as I write this? God molded me where I was. He was the Master
Potter directing my thinking one thought at a time. He was and is so
patient with me because some truths He gave me were tainted by my
sinfulness. My “disposition” toward others as I tried to
communicate these truths has often been less than perfect. God didn't
stop there with me though. In time and with experience He showed me a
better way, a more Biblical way of handling the truths He graciously
gave me. He taught me and continues to teach me how to communicate in
Thank you, Jesus. Thank You for all the
words You have fitly spoken to me and for all the words You will
fitly speak to me, so that I, too, may be an apple of gold in a picture of silver for someone else.

Angkor Wat, Cambodia (2000)
1 comment:
I love this! Thank you for sharing it.
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