“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to
I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more
—John 10:10
I believe any objective observation of a person’s life could
be said to conclude in two ways—that the individual has had an abundant life in
Christ or that an individual has had a life that has been destroyed by years
and years of poor choices. The broad strokes of one’s existence may not clearly
illustrate one or the other kind of life at first, but if we look closely into
that person’s canvas, we can see the details of his or her life as the paint
dries. We begin to understand what those details say about the kind of life
that person has lived.
In the verse above, we see Jesus offers not only life,
but life "more abundantly." The thief, however—that great
counterfeiter of God, the father of lies, and enemy of our souls—steals away
the blessings of God on a person’s life, kills a person's joy, and I believe
the Bible says, brings them sooner to physical death. (Romans 6:16)
As I have meditated on John 10:10 over the years, I feel so
very blessed by what God has bestowed upon me despite the past destruction I
have allowed in my life. When I gave my life to the Lord in my early twenties,
I believe that was precisely when God began to grant me His abundant life or at least when I began to recognize it. I
felt this life in my soul as I praised the Lord for the big and little
experiences He gave me as I learned more and more about Him. I often sung songs
of praise to Him as I walked to school or other destinations. I called these my prayer-and-praise
walks with Jesus. Witnessing was effortless because I was just so full of my
Savior and His love. Earthy blessings were many, as well, but I believe that
was just a small part of the abundant life He gave me. The abundant life is a
full life in Him, as we learn our place in His divine plan and yield ourselves
to it.
Please don’t misunderstand me, I am not saying there aren't
times of discouragement, sadness, and temptation in an abundant life, but I am
saying the overall impression of such a life is full of beautiful colors and
gorgeous textures on a canvas of His design.
Then, there is the destroyed life, which results as a
consequence of our not only choosing sin, but remaining in it. When we feed our
flesh and let our lives be full of the sinful parts of our natures, it only
leads to our destruction. This is the kind of life Satan wants to keep us in
bondage to, so that we don’t experience the wonderful truth and reality of
God’s abundant life.
Over the years, as I've meditated on this verse, my heart
hurts for those who have tasted God, who are born again, but who are seduced
back into bondage to the elements of this world Satan then uses to destroy them. (2
Peter 2:19) I am very sad for those who choose over and over again to follow
the philosophies of the thief toward their destruction, rather than follow
their merciful Savior, Who healed and released them from this bondage upon
their salvation.
Now, I realize a person’s life is not this black and white.
My life, for example, has many gray areas, the shadows of a painting, let’s
say, that are just as much a part of my overall experience in Christ. There may
be periods of quiet, when I really don’t feel this abundance of God. I also
choose to get under bondage again to those sins that easily tempt me. I
believe, however, that living an abundant life before God is experienced again
when I repent of my sins before Him, including any lukewarmness toward Him, and ask His
I know my canvas has moments of both abundance and destruction
in it. But, I believe, when one looks at the overall painting of my life, they
will observe a person who has and is experiencing the abundant life God
promises His children. This is not because of me, but only because of Him and
His grace and His mercy.
And I love Him for it.
I pray that we will not be Revelation 2:4 Christians who
leave their first love. Jesus wants so much more for us. Let’s let Him take our
lives and paint wonderfully abundant pictures of His love upon them.
Two Romanian Women Onesti, Romania (May 2005) |