“...Guide thine heart in the
way.”—Proverbs 23:19b
Dear Savior,
You gave me this verse yesterday and it
prompted me to consider writing a devotion about it. I prayed to You
and asked how can I tie the hearts of my readers to this truth about
guiding our hearts?
Then, like a fog lifting, my
understanding came into view that I ought to share a prayer of my
heart to You with others on this theme. So, here it is.
Lord, You know me perfectly. You know
my joys, my sins, and my desire to know You better and to walk closer
to You. I ask, Jesus, that you heal my vision. Provide eye salve so
that I may see the rudiments of this world better. Help me to
acknowledge their
deceitfulness and guide me into
the truth. Help me
look past my stresses and my worries and instead grasp the eternal
perspective. Your perspective.
Lord, lately, I have been feeling a bit
hum-drum about my life. I have a wonderful husband, a beautiful
daughter, a great work situation, a family that loves me, good
friends, etc., but I feel like there is something missing. So, what I
see and appreciate before me is not satisfying my heart's need for a
touch of closeness with You. I want to seek Your face and behold it
like a child does her father. I want You to draw me closer to You in
such a way that Your presence and guidance are very real and visible
to my spirit. I want the Holy Spirit to brush up against me like a
gentle breeze on a hot day, giving me the sweet relief of knowing
that You are near me.
I ask that You guide my heart in the
way You have for me. I know I can compare my way with others' ways
and doubt the very road you paved for me. Let me not compare though.
Let me have the sweet confidence of knowing that the life I have is
the One You intended. Help me to be content in my days and to trust
my future to Your Hands. Help my cares diminish and my hope flourish.
Help me to know You and to serve You in
the hum-drum and the excitement of my days, as well as everything in
between. Help my flesh be surrendered to Your will and encourage my
lips to praise You for all that You have done, are doing and will do
in my life.
Help me love you and draw near to You.
Grant me the sweet fellowship of Your Spirit as I minister to my
husband and daughter, as I assist my co-workers in their needs and as
I love my friends and family as You guide me.
You know I am but flesh and that I am
anything but perfect. But because of the sweet salvation I received
many years ago, I have access to Your throne, and I have You praying
for me. Most importantly, I have the knowledge that You love me,
completely, and because of that love, You want to guide me in the
As you guide me, Lord, help me to also
guide my heart in the way to stay fixed on You.
Your Child
“I designed you to enjoy Me above all
You find the deepest fulfillment of your heart in Me
—Jesus Calling by
Sarah Young (From the June 24 Devotion)
Luang Prabang, Laos (Spring 2000) |